TAX Benefits
Refugee Social Services is a registered Public Benefit Organisation. This implies that donations made to Refugee Social Services are tax deductible in the hands of the donor in terms of and subject to limitations prescribed under section 18(a) of the Act.
RSS Constitution
A constitution for a nonprofit organisation is very similar to the bylaws that govern the actions of its board of directors. Like bylaws, the constitution depicts the rules by which the entity will operate and the restrictions, powers, and duties of its officers and board members.
Refugees Act 130 of 1998
Refugee Social Services is a registered Public Benefit Organisation. This implies that donations made to Refugee Social Services are tax deductible in the hands of the donor in terms of and subject to limitations prescribed under section 18(a) of the Act.
The UN Refugee Agency
We strive to ensure that everyone has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to eventually return home, integrate or resettle.
Mennonite Central Committee
MCC, is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.
Alliance Française
Our 3 primary missions are the dissemination and teaching of French, the promotion of Francophone culture, as well as the promotion of cultural diversity
Refugee Pastoral Care (RPC)
RPC is a project of the Archdiocese Durban responsible for handling all matters affecting all foreign nationals in the area of the Archdiocese and beyond. The project was started in 1999 and gained momentum in 2002 when it was allocated a full time chaplain.
Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa (CoRMSA)
CoRMSA’s main objectives are the promotion and protection of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and international migrants. We operate at the national, regional and global level with strategic support to our members at local and provincial levels.
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR)
LHR is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation whose vision is to be:
- a leading, effective human rights and constitutional watchdog and advocate,
- an international force in the development and delivery of human rights, with a primary focus in Africa,
- a primary contributor to clear strategic policy on the delivery of socio-economic rights for the disadvantaged.
Talk English
Our mission is to provide high-quality, free English lessons to all who need them, delivered by qualified and trained teachers. We also hold short courses according to need in Business English, Academic English and English for Tourism.
Voices of Women Museum
The Voices of Women (Amazwi Abesifazane) is a decade-long project that began as the brainchild of Andries Botha who, after attending the Truth and Reconcilliation (TRC) hearings in South Africa, developed a creative methodology as a means for women’s memory to be recounted and held in trust as part of the memory archive of South Africa for future posterity.
Diakonia Centre
It is a place where people of every race, culture, class, age, nationality, language and religion should feel welcome and at home, confident that their human dignity is valued and honoured.
The particular purpose of the Centre is to provide an enabling environment for people and organisations committed to social transformation. It is hoped that their efforts will be strengthened by the networking, co-ordination and sharing of resources promoted in this environment.
Legal Resources Centre (The LRC)
Inspired by our history, the Constitution and international human rights standards, the LRC is committed to a fully democratic society based on the principle of substantive equality. The LRC seeks to ensure that the principles, rights and responsibilities enshrined in our national Constitution are respected, promoted, protected and fulfilled.
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