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Refugee Social Services was a project of the Mennonite Central Committee and was known as the MCC: Refugee Project before we registered as an independent not for profit organisation in July 2008.
Refugee Social Services provides a holistic package of services that aims to enhance protection and develop the capacity of vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers to attain integration and independence. The services provided include orientation to refugee rights and responsibilities in South Africa, relevant information on accessing services, casework that include referrals, time limited material assistance, psycho social counselling, therapy and support groups, as well as an extensive community outreach and information services encompassing health, education and income generation projects. All services provided by RSS serve to promote protection, self-reliance and independence.

Open to new and returning refugees and asylum seekers. Monday mornings at 08:30 at the RSS Office in Durban and on Wednesdays at 10:00am at the MCC Office at Project Gateway, 4 Burger Street, Pmb
For those who have experienced grief and trauma, family crisis, survivors of all forms of violence
For individual services
For specialist services i.e., hospitals, schools, legal service providers, government departments other NGO's
For youth at risk and newly arrived asylum seekers and refugees.
For repatriation and other durable solutions
English language classes for Adults and children out of school. French language for secondary school learners.
Vocational skills training eg. cosmetology, hospitality, child and adult care givers courses and craft development programme
To education into both primary and secondary schools and health services.
Services to orphans and unaccompanied and separated minors, assistance with documentation
Building community support networks, providing information on health and other issues and encouraging referrals from the community through the peer education programme.
Other Peoples Film Festival 20th June - 27th June commenting World Refugee Day, Wellness Days commerating World AIDS Day and 16 Days of Activism against Violence
RSS works in collaboration and networks with a variety of stakeholders to raise awareness regarding challenges faced by refugees and to lobby and advocate for refugee rights. We contribute to policy discussions and changes affecting the communities we serve.
Volunteering connects you to others!.